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Posts posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. I wonder Bruce not backing the recruitment team was part of him saving himself?

    Interestingly enough he had disagreements with foreign recommendations from the other scouts maybe he is pointing the finger to them in why we did not sign that CB from Le Harve.

    As Neil Moxely said, 



    "For instance, how would Purslow, installed in the position only late last month, know the good, bad and indifferent in Villa's recruitment team, particularly as the last window has only just closed".


    Something interesting is happening at the moment.

    Bruce is desperate to keep his job because he knows how damaging managing this club unsuccessfully would have on his career. 

    I still think the management will wield the axe, but i am presuming this will be done once we have a technical director and we have a run of bad form.

  2. They have changed it and rightly so.

    What european player has Ian Aitkins brought in that has been successful?

    A current restructure is required and they may not need to splash stupendous amount of cash to get this done.

    The technical director will be the most important signing at this club, I am very excited to find out who it could potentially be.


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  3. I haven't read the post above me so I will say this.

    We won, credit to Bruce and his team because no game is easy in the Championship. However he should win with grace knowing that there is still more work to do instead of discussing critics.

    As for the game, we played a team of lesser quality that rely on hard work and determination, they made it tough but he would have been out of a job if we lost last night.

    There appears to be gaps in our build up play, we build up our play with our full backs, and then we rely on one of our midfield players to come to find an option, after that we tend to lose the ball depending on the quality of opposition. 

    I am still worried because our midfielders are static and they do not pick pockets of space to receive the ball. 

    Honestly, we have one of the best squads in the championship there are no qualms about that. I just don't think that we will see this team play to the level that they are capable of under Bruce.

    I don't think we will get autos,  I think it will be Leeds & WBA.

    The real test is against Sheff Weds, Bristol, Swansea & Millwall.

    Lets see if we make it out of that, because if we don't.

    He will be gone mid in October.

  4. I guess our tactics are still unanswered.

    Honestly if we were to appoint a new manager I would like us to adopt the high pressing, high tempo style of play. 

    Interestingly enough when I was watching All or nothing, Pepe seemed to be terrified by Liverpool because of their style of play (Gegenpress) and he struggled to see how his team can defend against that style.

    Currently it appears to be a style that is considered exciting and hard to defend against.

    Maybe one day we will be fortunate enough to see some style to the way we play.



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  5. Hourihane is a natural deep lying playmaker he has had to change his style since he has joined us to become a box to box midfielder.

    For me he is one of our most effective players. 

    Hourihane playing under a head coach we would really see him excel.

  6. When a manager begins to undermine the fans and their feeling towards what is happening on the pitch, you cannot help but think that he is approaching the end of his tenure here.

    We have a squad full of talented players but a manager that cannot turn a bunch of talented individuals into a team for Aston Villa FC.

    It is a sad state and a continued growth in frustration.

    Our board are not stupid, Purslow knows the game and they are going to start looking at statistics,finances and performances and started asking some serious questions.

    Personally I still think that SB has a job until next Saturday, if he doesn't win the next two games then he will be under pressure.


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  7. 10 minutes ago, Johnnyp said:

    There are some available that are miles better than the one we have. I can guarantee you that.

    I can agree with that.

    Just took a bit of time to research Ralph Hasenhüttl & Marco Rose and they appear to be very good coaches and tacticians.


    Marco Rose being heavily influenced in the Gegenpressing style.


    It would be interesting to see if our new board and CEO are capable of bringing someone of that ilk

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  8. I hope that owners do not sanction this transfer.

    He just about scraped through last season. 

    On the pitch he was okay off the pitch he had an affect.

    But we cannot keep pissing money on players that are approaching the end of their careers. 

    We need to build something long term, Terry does not fit into that mould.

    Bruce has lost the dressing room and he needs Terry to help him regain authority amongst the players.

  9. It's going to be tough start for him without a doubt and I don't think Saturday's result has made it any easier for him either.

    He will need assistance to implement a financial, commercial and football strategy.  He is knows the first two means nothing without the latter so this is going to be the first thing that he is going to address.

    For him to find someone to assist him with a football strategy he is going to need eyes and ears on the training ground and someone to help supplement this plan. I would like to think that some form of Technical director will be a target for him. The question is who is capable of fulfilling this role?

    A lot of the sort after directors have either been promoted into head coaches or have new roles.

    So the first few months will be busy for him.

    I am excited, not by his appointment but because we are going to see some change and I am eager to see what this is and what affect this will have on this clubs future.



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  10. Honestly I don't think Purslow should be the man choosing the next manager.

    I think he should have a role to play in finding one however DOF should have a huge influence on this.

    I would rather see a DOF appointed before Bruce is sacked.

    It would give me more confidence that there is some sort of plan in place.

  11. Imagine if we got Paulo Fonseca..

    That is very very unrealistic.

    There is no way that he would leave champions league football for an afternoon in Blackburn just because his agent said so.

    However if there is a 0.01% chance of it being a possibility then why not.

    I'm slightly getting my hopes up over a tweet ?

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