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Posts posted by Reivax_Villa

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    Yep - but in most cases that would be too many cooks - maybe Brentford have had their best years and do not realise it. DS can appoint 2 assistant coaches if he wants, that's not odd, he will have a Spanish overlord presenting him with cheap foreign talent, he can work with that - he may even have John Terry on his side. It won't be the same but Brentford will miss him, because as much as folks want to belittle his role there, he was in charge of the team and that is the figure head role of the entire footballing side - it's worthy


  2. 12 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    Also not getting the rush to disarm DS of any credit for Brentford's success. There is a clear system in place there, across the club, but we're also going for a technical director and probably a few others in order that when we next swap manager, the club doesn't go down the toilet. The days of managers having so much control are numbered, especially in a club with very rich owners who as business people desire predictability and stability. As others have said, DS comes in and is told  to  make a good footballing side out of our squad - that was his role at Brentford - he is on the touchline, he chooses the team, he decides tactics, not some shadowy 'team' above him. It's poppycock cautiousness, IMHO. 

    Brentford have two DOFS a technical director and two assistant managers. 

    Brentford have influences from a football perspective

    We have a Spaniard Sporting director that looks for deals..

    For me at the moment our set up looks short term.

    DS would need to have a word with Purslow and tell him how the set up should be.


  3. In the past i have posted my opinion of DS and it hasn't been complimentary.

    The only way I could 100% feel comfortable behind his appointment is IF he and Purslow have a real footballing discussion on how he works best and what he needs to help him fulfil that. 

    We spend so much money on players but very little on infrastructure.

    DS knows the process Brentford if he can somehow try to replicate that structure I will back him.

    However I am not convinced that the board care about setting up an intelligent football structure at this club.

    I think they want to go up the Wolves way this season and have not thought about us not being promoted next season and struggling.

    Thats just my opinion and I don't expect anyone to share the same view as mine.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, eholm said:

    Agree re Pitarch. Has had little to no success in similar roles where has appointed poor managers and principally favoured an ‘experience over youth’ transfer strategy with many more misses than hits. Is there a danger that Mendes’ influence is getting too strong? Time will tell if course. Just concerned about this appointment if confirmed. 

    Well he has influenced our CEO to appoint the most influential figure at this club.

    It is concerning, because Mendes advice is now pretty much gospel in the football world which is bad.

    A football agent should not have that much influence over a football club he knows very little about.

    I am disappointed in the owners that have allowed this to happen.

    It probably also highlights the vision & understanding that Purslow actually has for this football club which also disappointing because i was a huge supporter of his arrival.

    But hey..

    I will hope for the best.



  5. Mendes seems to be having a big influence at this club with this appointment.

    I am worried because I read a few articles about him and most of his jobs have not lasted for more than a year.

    Pitarch is not the modern day sporting director that uses analysis and creates a proper scouting in fracture in sourcing players.

    He has an outdated approach..

    I am more concerned with the owners because it does not appear that they are attempting of laying any type of long term foundations at this club.

    They are going to try and throw money at everything and it does not work like that.

    I just hope that he is part of an extensive structure that involves a technical director also.

  6. This is becoming interesting.

    I don't think we will appoint Rodgers, he won't fancy this job mid season.

    - Has to achieve promotion before having a huge transfer budget

    - If he doesn't get promoted he will have to deal with FFP & Restrictions

    - If he had a pre-season he would be confident in getting us promoted however a job like this in mid October will be difficult


    I think it's between Dean Smith & Rui Faria

    Dean Smith would instantly take on this job and have JT as part of his staff.

    I do not fancy this appointment however;

    It appears that we are going to build some structure where the new sporting director will be sourcing players and the Head coach's role is to make them fit.

    The worrying thing is that the sporting director has been shit at his job for the past few years.

  7. 36 minutes ago, hippo said:

    We are desparatley short of a CB - A gap which Terry plugged pretty well last season. Surley if he were coming here, even in a coaching capacity the option of him playing in the short term would surely be a decent one.

    So his announcement that he is longer playing - yet linked strongly to villa - seems slightly odd to me.

    What would make more sense is him being in the frame for the job in his own right.

    He cannot become manager because he does not have the qualifications.


  8. 17 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

    I’ve read various posters expressing a concern that TH may be on a different level and the players may not be able to do what he’s asking them. I think that’s a genuine concern, but he will already have come across this problem, after all he was an exceptional player.

    If he is to be a good coach he will understand that his job is to understand the complexities of the game but break them down into simple and understandable form. I don’t mean he needs to patronise anyone, but we’ve all had good and bad teachers. The good ones explain the same things as the bad ones, but somehow they manage to turn the light on. 

    I once read an article about Paul McGrath’s understanding of football. The author basically said his reading of the game was so good that he made it look simple. He said for example, that Macca makes space by standing in it. It sounds obvious, but we’ve not had many who know how to make space for a long time. 

    TH won’t come in and ask players to go around three defenders and stick it in the top corner. What I hope he’ll do is create a system or systems that effectively make the game simple but not simplistic and allow players to be comfortable in what they’re being asked to do. Once they have the confidence of a system behind them,  the instinctive part of their talents will be allowed to come to the fore. 

    Very good post.

    It would be interesting if he will save the most advance type of tactics/coaching for better quality players.  

    I can see him simplifying things to a certain degree.

    One thing that is encouraging is that he has worked with Roberto Martinez who for me transformed Swansea City in how they play.

    I cannot see Terry being his number 2 btw.

    Terry would be part of the coaching staff. 

  9. Henry taking on this job means that he believes in his ability to be successful here but he would also know about our players.

    Normally when a head coach is interviewed for a role, he would have to provide some sort of presentation in addition to a report on individual players at the club and the way forward.

    Henry will have enough information on the players , it is really about how well the players can adapt to Henry.

  10. If the speculation is true.

    I am slightly concerned because we are all venturing into the unknown. I would prefer Henry to bring experience with him to his backroom staff.

    I will be excited because we don't know what the outcome of this new set up will be but it is very rare that something like this mid season works well.

    I have reservations if our sporting director is Pitarch because he is more focus on recruitment opposed to creating some blueprint at the club.

    I hope it works.


  11. Jesus Garcia Pitarch would not be a good appointment as Sporting Director.

    He doesn't have the ability to influence the footballing style & culture he is an old fashioned sporting director that looks for deals.

    Himself and Mendes have a long running relationship which is why he is a favourite for this job.

    If he does get hired it will confirm a few things for me;

    - Mendes has a huge influence on this club. I'm worried because he is assisting Forest and Wolves in transfers also.

    - Edens wants Villa to be run like an NBA franchise with the sporting director essentially being the GM  and looking for deals.

    - Owners are relying on head coach/ manager to build the football culture oppose to a technical director laying down a blueprint.

    A lot will be uncovered in the next few days.

  12. I wonder how intelligent our players when following tactics and remembering patterns of play?

    Say if Henry arrives and he wants to play the 1-2 touch pass and off ball movements, do you think that is too advance for our players?


  13. Thinking of what sort of style of I want our new manager to bring.

    At this level I am not expecting free flowing football because I don't think we have the players of that amazing touch pass ability.

    I would like us to have that sort of adaptability, when we are able to keep it on the ground  build up our play from the back and expose the weaknesses of the opposition,  however I also think that we should take advantage of our strengths.

    I do feel that we have players that are suited to a more direct style where we can play it to the wings and put it in the box.

    Watford have that type of style where they have a bit of fluidity to their play with Pereyra finding pockets of space but they use their target man in Deeney. to hold the ball and bring players in.

    What sort of football style are you guys hoping for with this current crop of players?

  14. I cannot call it it could be anyone..

    These are the high profile unemployed managers at the moment.

    Laurent Blanc, Henry, Hassenhutti, Montella, Conte , Wenger, De Boer, Carvalhal, Bosz.

    I don't think it will be Moyes

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