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Everything posted by limpid

  1. After maintenance, our server came back with no quest logs and has been taken down. 30 mins later, nothing on the support forums about it :-(
  2. "important raid members". That sounds so arrogant. and yes.
  3. Let's just hope there's enough members left to fill the raids.
  4. Like I'd have got an invite with 6 better "connected" mages already in. My issue with connecting was bigwigs. I can connect properly if it's disabled, I can't connect properly if it's enabled. Bizarre.
  5. I hope you guys had fun.
  6. New patch? On a Friday? Bug to fix an issue where players could res at a Spirit Healer. Must have been a biggy!
  7. by carlitobrigante First off I am a villa fan through and through. I was born the year we won the Euro cup and my family are all Claret and Blue (except for a step brorther Ive had to disown for supporting 'that other team'). However I began to fall out of love with the club around about the time Gregory left. I still watched us when we were on telly, looked for our results, watched Match Of The Day etc but the passion was gone, I no longer bought the new strip every season, I no longer wore any villa clothing whilst out and about and I stopped going to matches all together. This didnt happen instantly, it was a slow gradual process, it ended in me almost being ashamed of who I supported, heck I couldnt even hurl abuse at my blue nosed work mates anymore once they got promoted! Needless to say it was looking bad and it culminated in the hideous defeats suffered at home by the Blues, this was the low point of my life as a Villa fan, and it didnt look like improving. I seriously thought we would be playing in the championship next season, and that thought depressed me like you wouldnt believe as it did all of you I'm sure. Then within 3 months we have the Holy Trinity of events all come at once! Firstly we have the pure joy of seeing Small Heath go back to their rightful place in the fizzy pop division, then Doug somehow lures Martin O'Neill (who I honestly thought would next be managing Man Utd or England), then even better Doug leaves and we get a Billionaire who isnt a complete muppet like the Glazers! He actually seems like a cool guy who wants to take us places not take fatten his wallet. To say this was a special moment is an understatement, it was if a Villa fan had found a magic lamp and used all his three wishes on the club! The difference was immediate, I'm proud to pull on my newly bought claret & blue strip (away top too just for good measure), Ive been down the Holte more times this season so far than I did in the last 3 years! Theres a bounce in my step when I head down to watch the match, I see the smile on my fellow Villians faces and it feels good my friends. Berate me if you wish for being a glory hunter, for only wanting to show my support when things are going well, but Doug and his methods numbed the great love I have for my team and I'm seriously overjoyed that Martin & Randy have given that back to me! Even if we dont do aswell as I hope we will, we now have genuine hope, and if theres one thing Doug took away from me it was hope. No more negative remarks, no more holding back to see whether this a false dawn, lets all get behind the club, pack the stands every week and shout till our lungs burst. The fans are coming back boys, lets take this club back to the promised land!
  8. He's a part timer :-D
  9. I must admit I don't tend to wander around. I'm always on my way somewhere to do things, or doing things. If I'm running, it's capslock and left and right arrows. If I'm sneaking around, I want a hand hovering over my spell keys. I honestly can't see how I could use a pad. However, most pads will let you map to keys, so there's nothing to stop you using a pad.
  10. On my hunter with pet up, I have 60 buttons, all keyboard mappings + 20 hot keys. On mage, 70 buttons but just 10 hot keys. I don't use a mouse as I don't want an Upper Body Limb Disorder - I have a trackball and a tablet. I'm thingking about training myself to use the tablet with my left hand. And the only point of playing this game rather than another IS the online stuff.
  11. I hate AQ20. Garry was our leader and did a fine job. It must have been THE most unlucky instance run ever though. We had mobs running through walls, random respawns, bosses which walked around locked together. Total PITA. I didn't die until the steps to Ossi (except for the bugged wipe). I only got grey drops. Everything I killed in Sili got ninjad (FFA FTL).
  12. Not quite, it's because someone was injecting spam into front page comments. It's all been done a little on the hoof and the idea of a seperate forum has been suggested. We'll see how things go.
  13. Roll horde. Nobody likes a paladin.
  14. by John_Lerwill Well, the question has been raised of why we should need to provide visible remembrance of our club's past. Well, to explain in full could take an entire thesis, but here's an attempt without going so far as a thesis. If your thinking differs, then I'd like to hear how your thinking differs. When you go the grounds of Liverpool and Man U, there are the appropriate remembrances to Bill Shankly and Matt Busby - and why not? Those men - who, again, were Scots! - were worthy men who did a great deal for both their clubs and for football. But they were comparatively recent phenomena; why are there so few memorials to other great personages? The one other main memorial is to Herbert Chapman of Arsenal, I think. One day, there'll be one for Fergie also. The serious question, though, is why are there no memorials to speak of covering the period before the 1930s? The truth is that in English football there were no other 'greats' to honour, expect perhaps Tom Watson, the old manager of Sunderland and Liverpool - and those at Aston Villa! For, from the 1880s up until the 1920s, it was Ramsay, Rinder, Grierson and McGregor who were the main builders of organised football in England, with the added help of great men such as J.J. Bentley, J. Campbell Orr, Charlie Crump and John Lewis (er, another John Lewis!). From 1893 in particular, it was the Villa (and the management team) that led the way; and how they led! So, taking all that into account, I feel that our Villa Fathers deserve some real credit - and not just in dusty old history books. They should be visibly remembered as I see it. But, in my previous article I also mentioned Ron Saunders and Tony Barton. Those two did so much inside a decade for the club, and in such style, that clearly they should be up there for remembrance also. Surely, it's not just a question of remembering the dim and distant past, but also the glorious and relatively recent past. And, when the time comes, perhaps we'll see current members of the club up there also. But, talking of 'dusty old history books', it was that feeling I had that there's so much back in time that needs revealing that for the past 8 or 9 months I've been researching the past deeds of Villa, from their very earliest days, up until 1915. And that research will continue yet a few months before I publish. From what I've gleaned, I think there'll be many of you that will be glad to read more about the old famous names such as Archie Hunter, and how the Villa Lion came about etc. etc. Up the Villa! John Lerwill My Villa History Website
  15. by Poise For the first time in a good few years, we can really look forward to the January transfer window with smiles on our faces. I was thinking earlier about possible signings we could look at in January now that we have been given a substantial amount of money thought to be between £15m and £20m to splash out on players. The important thing is to spend it wisely so that Martin O'Neill doesn't get off with a bad start of using Randy Lerner's millions. However, I trust that O'Neill will use it wisely. We have 3 positions where I think we could strengthen : Left back - Samuel and Bouma are too inconsistent and even though Barry is playing great in this position I feel he is wasted in a way as he brings a lot to the midfield. Right back - Aaron Hughes is a good player but I think we can get better. Delaney is better but its a shame he is so injury prone! Right midfield - Agbonlahor is playing tremendous out on the wing, but the time is going to come where he wants to play as an out and out striker, which is what he is. Lee Hendrie is our only other answer on the right flank so this position could do with an extra body to fill it. So, possible signings for January : Left back - Wayne Bridge. Brilliant player on his day, still better than JLloyd Samuel and Wilfried Bouma when it is not his day. Prooved whilst at Southampton that he can even give the England manager a headache and give Ashley Cole a run for his money for England's number 3 jersey. He Would cost around £4m - £5m. Right back - Luke Young. I believe that we now have the money to give Charlton something to think about. I think Luke is a great right back for club and occasionally country. I think an offer in between £5m and £6m would tempt Charlton into selling. Right midfield - I was thinking Shaun Wright-Phillips but I maybe being a little TOO optimistic lol. So we are probably more than likely going to sign our old friend James Milner. That is unless Newcastle bottle it at the last minute! He would cost around £4m. So that would come to, all in all around £15m and I think it could proove to be £15m well spent. There maybe even a couple of million left to mess about with for O'Neill. However, we will have to wait and see what Martin O'Neill has up his sleeve. Up The Villa! January Transfers For the first time in a good few years, we can really look forward to the January transfer window with smiles on our faces. I was thinking earlier about possible signings we could look at in January now that we have been given a substantial amount of money thought to be between £15m and £20m to splash out on players. The important thing is to spend it wisely so that Martin O'Neill doesn't get off with a bad start of using Randy Lerner's millions. However, I trust that O'Neill will use it wisely. We have 3 positions where I think we could strengthen : Left back - Samuel and Bouma are too inconsistent and even though Barry is playing great in this position I feel he is wasted in a way as he brings a lot to the midfield. Right back - Aaron Hughes is a good player but I think we can get better. Delaney is better but its a shame he is so injury prone! Right midfield - Agbonlahor is playing tremendous out on the wing, but the time is going to come where he wants to play as an out and out striker, which is what he is. Lee Hendrie is our only other answer on the right flank so this position could do with an extra body to fill it. So, possible signings for January : Left back - Wayne Bridge. Brilliant player on his day, still better than JLloyd Samuel and Wilfried Bouma when it is not his day. Prooved whilst at Southampton that he can even give the England manager a headache and give Ashley Cole a run for his money for England's number 3 jersey. He Would cost around £4m - £5m. Right back - Luke Young. I believe that we now have the money to give Charlton something to think about. I think Luke is a great right back for club and occasionally country. I think an offer in between £5m and £6m would tempt Charlton into selling. Right midfield - I was thinking Shaun Wright-Phillips but I maybe being a little TOO optimistic lol. So we are probably more than likely going to sign our old friend James Milner. That is unless Newcastle bottle it at the last minute! He would cost around £4m. So that would come to, all in all around £15m and I think it could proove to be £15m well spent. There maybe even a couple of million left to mess about with for O'Neill. However, we will have to wait and see what Martin O'Neill has up his sleeve. Up The Villa!
  16. by John_Lerwill I (John Lerwill) sense sincerity and purpose in what Mr. Lerner is about, but there is one observation to be made, I think. If Mr. Lerner carries on as he has started, then I would say he's fairly unique amongst Premiership chairmen. i.e. in his attitude towards not only getting a successful team pushing the right way, but the efforts to get the total infrastructure right, including the heritage part of it. All at the same time. His input looks just what was needed, and not a moment too soon. It could be said that a takeover would perhaps have been better done 3 or 4 years ago (or before), but it wasn't, and in some ways - from Mr. Lerner's point of view at least - perhaps it's as well as he did not come in earlier, as the club was, before MON's arrival, sinking to a new low ebb, and the timing of his arrival at this particular juncture has brought about relief and sufficient patience amongst the supporters (apart from Mr. Fisher) to give time and space to now let things happen. It was quite a unique set of circumstances that have come together at more-or-less the same time. Doug's illnesses and clear reduced ability to run the club properly (well, we know he never was a Mr. Lerner!), the availability of MON and the striking-while-the-iron-was-hot from Mr. Lerner himself. A unique set of circumstances that we should be hugely thankful for, I think - or perhaps we still haven't got over the shock! I am looking forward to the future under RAL, and, in the shorter term, to be able to reflect on the former glories and great characters that was Aston Villa so long ago through to the present, because I don't think we (the club and the supporters) have really given proper thanks to the likes of Ramsay, Hunter, Rinder, McGregor, right through to Eric Houghton and onto Ron Saunders, Tony Barton and the 1980-82 squad - and GT mark 1 (forgive me for the names I've left out). I'm not sure what the Holte Hotel face-lift will produce, but if it is the needed museum/remembrance centre, then what a way to put our minds in the right perspective before we embark on what should be another great chapter in Villa's history. I have one specific suggestion to make regarding memorials. You will remember the triple statue outside the Register Office in Broad Street? (Watt, Boulton and ...?) I thought of how a similar statue would be relevant outside Villa Park - showing the 'team' of Ramsay, Rinder and Grierson. And another double statue of Saunders and Tony Barton. That of McGregor to be in the middle (slightly forward), labelled "Father of the World's First Football League". Doubtless, there are other memorials that also should be outside Villa Park, but Villa is a club that have had so many great names we would need to utilise Aston Park to hold them all! Up the Villa! John Lerwill EDIT: LV - oops double pasted there
  17. 'talon' The mages all brought Limited Invulnarability potions for phase three (all girly swots). Hopefully it'll just be a temporary slow down in DPS. Mind you how much mana will be left after that is a different problem. At the end of the second 50% try, I still had a mana crystal and hadn't used a pot - so hopefully all will be okay.
  18. It's my 3rd bookmark for the same thing :-) Good night tonight - felt great being in the end fight!
  19. That's my new cuffs that is :-)
  20. I really enjoyed it tonight. It actually felt like we were making progress. I hope I get in the raid on Tuesday.
  21. Tarren Mill is full!?!?!?!?!??!
  22. I wish you'd install hitsmode so we can see you pressing your button. Funny to see Low Health (1949) though. Right. Tonight when the raid falls apart, can we a) go to scholo for my q and get my carrot?
  23. Hey I can play these - I have to extract the URL from the source and they play natively. It's putfile's fault - they are marking the attached file as requiring winduhs media player. Twunts.
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