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The New Condem Government


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taking into account what I do for a living I suspect if I did it was very firmly tongue in cheek


worrying though that despite you constantly posting here how awful this govt are labour have lost 12 points in the polls to a government that by and large are unpopular 


I wasn't claiming Unite would stop supporting the party , the claim was that it was now opt in rather than you buying votes for Ed without knowing about it :)



Sorry Tony you are not making any sense. Your post quoted some article - not sure where the source was as you still haven't linked it - about the changes in opinion polls which you have said previously are not worth anything. Are you now saying that they are? because if you are then they are still showing a Labour lead, so how does that feel knowing that despite many many millions Cameron et al could not win the last election and is still failing to win any sort of majority populous vote? Is the fact that Cameron and the Tory party are still behind in the polls an issue? Are you now expecting a whole series of "vote winning" policies to be announced - will they be based on desire for power rather than what is needed?


Rather than concentrating on Labour, who are in opposition, we can get back to trying to understand what this god awful Gvmt is doing and why it continues with its policies that divisive, discriminatory, and seemingly penalising those in society who are less well off. I know which set of things I think most would prefer to concentrate on

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"Red Ed"? - really? ........ shame



 he was elected on the strength of his paymasters the Unions, who's leadership supports the left wing of the party and needed a mouth piece for their support .. so it's accurate is it not ?

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Yes. If only we could have had a say in the way this country elects in MP's. Some form of referendum perhaps. Something a bit fairer. ;)

Pure Proportional Representation FTW. Every vote should count, and the people's voice should be equally and fairly heard in the H of C. AS much as I dislike the lib dems for what they have done, and UKIP etc for what they stand for, any party that gets a decent share of the public vote should have a voice/seat(s) in parliament. The lib dems have actaully been severely shafted, seats wise, in the H of C for many years, due to the god awful FPTP system.


It would make sense and 5 years of coalition will show that it will work on a long term basis and does water down some of the more nutty policies that any single party may try and push into law. 


It certainly works pretty well in Germany. Despite not liking this particula coaltion government, I do think, in principle, coalition governments can (and do) work.

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taking into account what I do for a living I suspect if I did it was very firmly tongue in cheek


worrying though that despite you constantly posting here how awful this govt are labour have lost 12 points in the polls to a government that by and large are unpopular 


I wasn't claiming Unite would stop supporting the party , the claim was that it was now opt in rather than you buying votes for Ed without knowing about it :)



 about the changes in opinion polls which you have said previously are not worth anything.


since you like links so much perhaps you could link to where I've said opinion polls are not worth anything

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I still think the Libdems will be the king makers. I think for all the moaning about them, either  side might need to jump in bed with them

Absolutely, in terms of their vote share certainly. I think they will struggle enormously to get the same number of MP's as they have done previously and that is mainly down to how their core voters have been royally screwed (and watched by Clegg and Alexander) by the Tory bed partners.


Maybe the whole debate will re-occur about vote systems?

Red Ed really does need to pull his finger out of his arse.


Up to now, the Tories have done all his work for him. He's just lingered quietly in the background as they alientate everyone.


But in order to be seen as a vilable and strong leader/PM, at some point he has to prove himself, and show some leadership and strength. At the moment, he just looks like a slightly older 6th former who got the job by default and who lacks any sort of gravitas.


Dave may be a smarmy, evil, elitist, but he does at least exude an air of confidence and authority.

"Red Ed"? - really? ........ shame


I actually wish he were more of a Red Ed. He's still Blair-lite for me, far more pale blue than Red.  


Actually, Labour may be doing better with Mr Ed, come to thing of it ... :P

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Lewisham hospital cuts plan quashed at High Court

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has had his decision to reduce services at a major hospital declared unlawful and quashed by the High Court.

Mr Justice Silber ruled Mr Hunt acted outside his powers when he announced casualty and maternity units at Lewisham Hospital would be downgraded.

He said the Secretary of State had breached provisions of the National Health Services Act 2006.

The judge gave him permission to appeal against the decision.


...more on link


Naughty boy, Jeremy.

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"Red Ed"? - really? ........ shame



 he was elected on the strength of his paymasters the Unions, who's leadership supports the left wing of the party and needed a mouth piece for their support .. so it's accurate is it not ?



Always cracks me up when Tories speak of the 'Labour paymasters'. That's what the Tory party is all about!

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"Red Ed"? - really? ........ shame

he was elected on the strength of his paymasters the Unions, who's leadership supports the left wing of the party and needed a mouth piece for their support .. so it's accurate is it not ?

Always cracks me up when Tories speak of the 'Labour paymasters'. That's what the Tory party is all about!


So which paymaster got Cameron the job ?

Now ... Which paymaster got Ed the job :)

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Daddy, perhaps? I doubt he got that far on his charisma alone...

Not seen anything to suggest Daddy got Cameron elected to head of the Tory party ... Do you have a link ?

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So which paymaster got Cameron the job ?

Now ... Which paymaster got Ed the job :)



:-) Oh Tony, you really do leave yourself open to the obvious abuse at times don't you


As if by magic a news story appears re Cameron and donations - Peter Cruddas




You can keep spinning that line about Unite and Milliband (especially when you spun the opposite just a few days back when there was Milliband having a go at the Unions). The more own goals you make makes me wonder if when you said you have never voted Tory before you are actually a secret squirrel for the Labour party

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So which paymaster got Cameron the job ?

Rupert for one

Cameron was elected leader of the conservatives in 2005 ... Rupert was still backing and financing Labour at the point and only switched sides once Brown took the reigns

So nope

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So which paymaster got Cameron the job ?

Rupert for one

Cameron was elected leader of the conservatives in 2005 ... Rupert was still backing and financing Labour at the point and only switched sides once Brown took the reigns

So nope

you didn't state which job

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So which paymaster got Cameron the job ?

Now ... Which paymaster got Ed the job :)

:-) Oh Tony, you really do leave yourself open to the obvious abuse at times don't you

As if by magic a news story appears re Cameron and donations - Peter Cruddas


You can keep spinning that line about Unite and Milliband (especially when you spun the opposite just a few days back when there was Milliband having a go at the Unions). The more own goals you make makes me wonder if when you said you have never voted Tory before you are actually a secret squirrel for the Labour party

Pay attention , I said I voted Tory once and UKIP once on a whim as it was a school mate standing when I went to vote

Close but no buffalo

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Rupert for one

Cameron was elected leader of the conservatives in 2005 ... Rupert was still backing and financing Labour at the point and only switched sides once Brown took the reigns

So nope

you didn't state which job

Seeing as Ed isn't PM and we were talking about both of them I'd say it was obvious :)

Edited by tonyh29
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Pay attention , I said I voted Tory once and UKIP once on a whim as it was a school mate standing when I went to vote

Close but no buffalo




Remember these words :D


"I've only voted twice in my life , once when i turned 18 as it was the first time i was able to vote  ( I actually voted Lib Dem) and I voted UKIP at the last election as when I walked in the voting both it turned out and old school mate of mine was the candidate in my area so I gave him my vote instead


so that's 50% Lib Dem and 50% UKIP for my voting record  and I've never actually voted Tory  :-) "


Re the Buffalo you are sending across, any chance of leaving it at the field in the bottom of our road? Ta :D

Edited by drat01
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Pay attention , I said I voted Tory once and UKIP once on a whim as it was a school mate standing when I went to vote

Close but no buffalo


Remember these words :D

"I've only voted twice in my life , once when i turned 18 as it was the first time i was able to vote ( I actually voted Lib Dem) and I voted UKIP at the last election as when I walked in the voting both it turned out and old school mate of mine was the candidate in my area so I gave him my vote instead"

Re the Buffalo you are sending across, any chance of leaving it at the field in the bottom of our road? Ta :D

I had a feeling after I wrote my post that some smart arse would go and check :)

We had council elections earlier this year where I went out and voted Tory so its more me confusing myself coupled with trying to forget I ever voted lib dem

I owe you one buffalo ....

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